Manssour Bin Mussallam takes office as first Secretary-General


At the Organisation of Educational Cooperation’s (OEC) First General Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland, His Excellency Manssour Bin Mussallam took office on 6 December 2021 as the first Secretary-General of the OEC, after being unanimously and formally elected on 29 January 2020.

Taking the oath of office at the General Assembly, the Secretary-General pledged his resolve and commitment to place the necessary intellectual, financial and technical resources of the OEC at the collective disposal of the Organisation’s Founding States and Associate Members in order to realise their common, shared aspirations for equitable, sustainable development.

OEC’s Secretary-General declared in his inaugural speech:

“It is hence with a keen sense of the doubting waits of the tasks that awaits us on our journey to obtain the vision of balanced and inclusive education for all, and with a profound conviction of greater fervour in our collective ability to be worthy and overcome the challenges ahead that I am now humbled to take office.”


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